QR Code Converter (QR Code Generator)


Enter URL Link (Website)

Enter phone number

Enter phone number & message

Enter mail address

Enter Facebook page

Enter Twitter name


What is QR Code ?

QR Code or Quick Response Code is a kind of matrix barcode (two-dimensional barcode). The first invention is in Japan since 1994 by Denso-Wave company. First, QR Code mostly uses in the automotive industry in order to contain information on the things they were attached on. Today, QR code always use on global communication media.

QR Code is a black square symbol lay on a white background. A piece of black square shape is variance depending on the amount of data it need ‘s to contains. It is a human-unreadable symbol which has 4 standardize encoding modes such as numeric, alphanumeric, byte/binary, and kanji.

As we know that QR code did not just only a method of encoding algorithm by convert amount of information to a square barcode. It also compress the large information into this square barcode or QR code. Please see the QR code limitation table below.

Data TypeAmount
Numeric Only7,089 letter
Numeric & Character4,296 letter
Binary (8bit)2,953 Byte
Kanji-Kana1,817 letter

QR Code Benefit

QR Code can be adapted to use in many ways. Mostly use to contains URL link (website), Contact (vCard), Phone Call, Email and variance of number-text data. Size of the QR code can be fixed no matter what how long of the data to contains. It was easy to place anywhere to broadcast the data. QR code always read by QR code reader which embedded in all smartphones. It was fast to get the information inside and automatics store in the smartphone.

Do you think about how to note the long URL like this


It will take at least a couple minutes to type the URL and always miss some characters. Comparing with QR Code, it will take just in 5 seconds to open this URL link.

How to use QR Code

As we mentioned above, QR code can be read by QR code reader in the smartphone. Just only a few seconds to open the camera and then you can get the information instantly. In the computer, you can copy and paste any data on anywhere website that you want but while you go outside the public place. You cannot do that in the real world. QR code reader will help you to transfer and translate the barcode to that information data.


QR Code Converter or QR Code Generator

QR code is a kind of encoding symbol. The mobile phone can be a QR scanner, QR reader or QR decoder itself. In the case of generating QR code from the data you have, you need to use the programming to encode it.

We recommend you to use QR code converter (QR code generator ), our free online website.


How to use QR Code Converter

This website is a free online QR code converter (QR code generator). It can convert many information forms ex. Free text, URL website, Contact (vCard), Phone number (Calling), SMS message, Email or Social identity. ConvertCodes is an online interactive website, just only fill in the input box and then the javascript process will generate and convert QR code in real-time.

QR Code converter steps

1. Fill in the information tab

We offer free online forms to generate QR code as you need. Now, our forms can support Free text, URL website, Contact (vCard), Phone number (Calling), SMS message, Email or Social identity


Select the HTTP type of the website and fill in URL domain name.


Free Text

QR Code can support numeric and text data over a thousand characters. You can fill in data in the right hand side of text tab.


Contact (vCard)

Contact form or vCard(Virtual Contact File) has a global standard. ConvertCodes support vCard 3.0 which is the most used in recent years (2016). The user must fill in the required data in First name and Last name. The others data is optional.


Phone (Calling)

QR code can support automatic mobile phone calls. The operation system like iOS and Android will redirect link format

tel:[Phone Number]

Support international format

tel:[+Country Code|Phone number]

SMS (Message)

QR code for sending SMS require a phone number. Messages are optional because the user can type in the mobile application.

sms:[Phone Number]&body[Message body]


QR Code for sending email require a email recipient address

mailto:[Email address]

Social Link

Today, There are many social applications growth up. Mostly always use URL link as a subdirectory of their domain name. ConvertCodes also support famous social link for Facebook, Twitter and LINE. Otherwise can use URL tab to fill in full social id link.

2. Choose size of QR code


ConvertCodes can generate QR code in many size and depend on amount of data in the field. The size of QR code has to be fit with data because the large amount data will need to generate the large amount of black pixel also.

Default will be 200x200px

3. Choose size of margin QR code


Support any purpose including margin size of boundary white backgroud space. If you do not need the margin space, please choose zero.

Default will be margin 4

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