Javascript Formatter – Converter Cleaner and Beautifier

Javascript Formatter – Online converter tools, Convert Javascript raw data (ugly format) to be beautifier and cleaner for the viewer by ConvertCodes.

Input - Javascript Format


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Output - Javascript Format

Optional: Upload file to convert Javascript format

     Source File Encoding

Remark: Javascript formatter input box limit 10,000 Characters. For a large data, please convert by upload a file.

Javascript is a computer language for internet programming. Most of the website always embedded with javascript in order to empower website with interactive logic. Javascript is a composite of “Java” and “Script” which mean that this language is an Object Oriented Programming (OOP) script and work across platform together with HTML language.

Javascript was developed by Netscape Communications Corporation. The originate name is LiveScript which releases with Netscape Navigator2.0 in order to make a webpage. Netscape Communications become collaborated with Sun Microsystems in order to compete against Microsoft. LiveScript has been renamed to Javascript which to be able to communicate between the web browser and java language.

According to many uses of Javascript, Developer can design much more variety function on their own website. Javascript requires interpreter or Javascript engine on the client site which is embedded on most of the web browser. However, Javascript always releases a new version which may be not supported is some old browser version. It might cause an error.

  1. Javascript is an easy programming code and it does not depend on any other programming language.
  2. Javascript can interact with the user action such as click, press and type any object on the webpage, then lead to a new window or any action you want.
  3. Javascript can overwrite attribute of HTML element in order to change the webpage display in any pattern.
  4. Javascript can use to validating data with some owner logic such as a mandatory input that has to fill or type of specific data.
  5. Javascript can inquiry platform data such as web browser version or resolution display.
  6. Javascript can create a cookie file in order to memorize user data.

Pros of Javascript

Javascript engine has been working on the web browser or client-side-script. Therefore, you can use javascript on any server platform and workload also run on the client side. It is different from other languages such as PHP, Perl and ASP that need the interpreter on the service side (server-side script).

Cons of Javascript

Because of Javascript is a client-side-script, It cannot transfer user data to server-side directly such as read or write a file on the server in order to display on the webpage. It cannot receive user data also.

Javascript engine has some mandatory interpreter logic that javascript developer have to follow the rules. Javascript format requires these rules in order to avoid some misunderstanding in the codes.

  • Preserve keyword
  • Space delimiter
  • Bracer scope
  • Semicolon separate

As we see Javascript did not care new line or how much of indent level. If you look into some webpage source code, you may see some Javascript part that hard to understand because it is very long coding but use only one line. Javascript interprets and matching the code by the Javascript rules.

function formatter_js(x){ var indentchar = " "; var indentsize = 1; var indent = document.getElementById("select_indent").value; var bracer = document.getElementById("select_bracer").value; var linesize = document.getElementById("select_length").value; switch(indent) {case "2": indentchar = " "; indentsize = 2; break;case "3": indentchar = " "; indentsize = 3; break;case "4": indentchar = " "; indentsize = 4; break;case "5": indentchar = " "; indentsize = 5; break;case "6": indentchar = " "; indentsize = 1; break; }}

The system can interpret this code easily but it is not easy for a human to read and understand it. However, some developers have to set their own rules to make Javascript code cleaner and beautifier for the viewers. These are optional rule Javascript format and does not have any standard. Developers feel free to set up it with their own styles.

  • Start a new line for each command or semicolon.
  • Space or tab indentation for subset command or loop execution.
  • Comment and hint syntax
  • Bracer style at the end or in the new line.
function formatter_js(x) {
	var indentchar = "	";
	var indentsize = 1;
	var indent = document.getElementById("select_indent").value;
	var bracer = document.getElementById("select_bracer").value;
	var linesize = document.getElementById("select_length").value;
	switch (indent) {
		case "2":
			indentchar = " ";
			indentsize = 2;
		case "3":
			indentchar = " ";
			indentsize = 3;
		case "4":
			indentchar = " ";
			indentsize = 4;
		case "5":
			indentchar = " ";
			indentsize = 5;
		case "6":
			indentchar = "	";
			indentsize = 1;

These Javascript formats seem to be more friendly to the viewer. It helps developers to debug code easier and prevent some missing logic while they were on a development process. Now, there are some Javascript editors that can control Javascript format as you want but it cannot convert the existing ugly code to be a beautiful code. ConvertCodes is a free online conversion tool which also supports Javascript formatter.

Javascript formatter online tool can convert a raw Javascript to be more standard indent level and bracers style. ConvertCodes offer additional functions to let users can choose indent character and number length by themselves to fit with viewers style.

Javascript Formatter Options

  • Indent character (Space or Tab)
  • Number of space per level
  • Bracer style (Open/Close)
  • Characters length in each line


Remark: Interactive Javascript formatter input box can handle 100,000 code characters. Otherwise, users also can use Javascript Formatter by upload a raw Javascript file in Optional section (Upload file to convert Javascript format).

Javascript Formatter

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